
Every year at the Alaska State Snow Sculpting Championships artists transform 8’ by 8’ blocks of snow into amazing works of art. My friend Allison and her family compete in this incredible experience. They carefully plan their design, use specific tools, and expertly craft the snow into a masterpiece. This amazing process mirrors what God does in our lives to transform us into the image of His son.

The artist looks at the huge block of compressed snow, seeing not what it is, but what it will become. In the same way, God knows exactly how He wants to transform us. He tells us that “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart . . .” (Jer 1:5, NIV) He has great plans for us, and He won’t stop until He accomplishes His purpose.

This year the snow was not ideal for sculpting. It was filled with gravel and debris and was icy and hard. But this didn’t stop the artists from using special saws and scrapers to carve away the parts that weren’t needed. They weren’t distracted by the impurities. Regardless of the flaws in the snow, they could see the potential. They knew exactly what parts to remove and what to preserve to bring out the beauty and purpose of their design. They used precision and careful attention to detail to remove excess snow and carve it into a work of art.

In the same way, our spiritual transformation often involves the removal of debris, such as negative attitudes, unbelief, and bad habits. This process can be painful when God scrapes away our excess baggage or unwanted pride, but with each tap of His chisel, He brings us closer to a beautiful, finished product. And He designed us each with specific talents, personalities, and quirks. He works with all our unique qualities and individual experiences to shape us exactly as He wants. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are God’s masterpiece.”

Though the snow sculptures will eventually melt away into nothing, our transformation will last for eternity. Our physical bodies, as we know them now, will die and decompose, but we will get new bodies to go with our perfected souls. What a transformation that will be!

This process can be painful when God scrapes away our excess baggage or unwanted pride, but with each tap of His chisel, He brings us closer to a beautiful, finished product.

– Judy Anne Parker

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