Welcome to Alaska,

the Last Frontier.

Have you ever dreamed of running away to a cabin in the woods where you could escape reality and find peace and quiet?

Alaska Life

If you want to read about adventures, you don’t have to live in Alaska, just click here.


From Sourdough Starter to wild berries to world-renowned salmon, Alaska is known for tasty treats.


Discover the fingerprints of God in his creation and the lessons they can teach us.

Beartooth Basecamp

Beartooth Basecamp encourages junior explorers to discover amazing Alaskan animals, landscapes, and history while learning more about the Creator who made it all.

Do you long to experience life, to get out in nature, and to discover God in unexpected places?

Then friend, welcome to Judy Anne Parker’s little corner of the world. 

Come fishing, hiking, and camping with her.

See the incredible beauty of this amazing place.

Cook with Alaskan ingredients you can find in your hometown grocery store.

But, most importantly, discover God and His immense love for you.

His fingerprints are everywhere in His creation.

Alaska Life

If you receive a text from the post office explaining they didn’t deliver your mail because of “animal interference” (a moose was lying in your yard), you might live in Alaska. If you know what “dipnetting” means, you might live in Alaska. If you look out your window and see a bear hauling a ripped-open garbage sack across your yard, you might live in Alaska. If you want to read about such adventures, you don’t have to live in Alaska, just click here.


From Sourdough Starter to wild berries to world-renowned salmon, Alaska is known for tasty treats. Come whip up some scrumptious fare with Alaskan ingredients you can find in your local grocery store. 


From Sourdough Starter to wild berries to world-renowned salmon, Alaska is known for tasty treats. Come whip up some scrumptious fare with Alaskan ingredients you can find in your local grocery store. 


God displays His love for us in the world He created. Discover the fingerprints of God in his creation and the lessons they can teach us.

Beartooth Basecamp

Beartooth Basecamp encourages junior explorers to discover amazing Alaskan animals, landscapes, and history while learning more about the Creator who made it all.

Beartooth Basecamp

Beartooth Basecamp encourages junior explorers to discover amazing Alaskan animals, landscapes, and history while learning more about the Creator who made it all.

"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."

George Washington Carver

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