
From Sourdough Starter to wild berries to world-renowned salmon, Alaska is known for tasty treats. Come whip up some scrumptious fare with Alaskan ingredients you can find in your local grocery store. 

“If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.”

– Cesar Chavez

Mini Salmon Quiches

Mini Salmon Quiches

Mini Salmon Quiches One of my favorite things to do in the summer is fish for salmon with my husband. I am very happy to say that we have improved drastically over the last few years, and we can actually catch some fish now. At least most of the time. Okay, some of...

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Salmon Spread

Salmon Spread

Salmon SpreadOne of our favorite ways to use salmon is in Smoked Salmon Spread. We brine, smoke, and can our own salmon, but canned salmon from the store is fine. Most canned salmon is Pink Salmon, but if you can find canned Red Salmon, buy that instead. We feed Pink...

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Halibut Tacos

Halibut Tacos

Halibut TacosMexican is my absolute favorite type of food. Tacos, enchiladas, tamales, burritos - I love it all. And one of my favorite ways to use Halibut is in tacos. I prefer to grill the fish, but if your grill is completely buried in snow, like mine is currently,...

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Raspberry Fruit Leather

Raspberry Fruit Leather

Raspberry Fruit LeatherOne of my favorite fruits is raspberries and I am fortunate to have a huge patch of raspberry bushes in our backyard. Each summer I anxiously wait for those first red juicy berries so the process of making raspberry pie, tarts, jam, syrup,...

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