
I’m sitting at my kitchen table listening to the wind howl and watching the leaves race through the driving rain. It’s a rather blustery, stormy day outside but inside I’m as cozy as can be. Soft music plays, candle light dances and the smell of homemade granola fills the air. It doesn’t matter how stormy it is outside because in my sanctuary, I’m safe, warm, and dry. The storm is raging outside, but inside, peace reigns.

I think for most of us, life seems to be one big storm the last few years. The pandemic, racial tensions, divisions, political upheaval, natural disasters, etc. can overwhelm us producing fear, tension and stress. We need a sanctuary, someplace we can escape to relax, unwind and be renewed. I’ve written before that fear is not a sin, it’s a feeling. And feelings aren’t good or bad, they just are. It’s what we do with those feelings that make all the difference. Do you dwell on the fear, rehashing old wounds, or imagining all the what-ifs? Or do you ignore all of it and try to pretend everything is fine and dandy? Do you long for peace in the midst of the tumult?

My friend, it is possible to be peaceful regardless of the situation. Jesus himself is peace. If you have Jesus, then you have the capacity to experience calm in spite of the crazy all around you. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  This verse reminds us we can tell the Lord about our situation, thank Him for all of his blessings, and ask Him for what we need. And then, He does the miracle; He guards our hearts and minds. I don’t know about you, but my heart and mind definitely need guarding, not only from others but from myself.

His peace may not arrive instantaneously. Or it might. If it doesn’t, keep praying, keep trusting, keep asking. It’s a process, not a one stop shop.

Often when my mind and heart are racing and I can feel the walls closing in, I head outside. Being in creation, the beautiful world God has given us, I can focus more on the One who made all of it. The problems of life melt away when I look at the intricate details in the beauty around me. Surely the God who spoke all the heavens and earth into existence can handle all the things concerning me now. Even if it happens to be stormy outside.

So, how about you? Do you have a special place where you go to be refreshed, talk to God, and escape for a while? Are you able to find peace in the midst of the storm? What are some of your favorite places to experience God? I’d love to hear from you.

The problems of life melt away when I look at the intricate details in the beauty around me. Surely the God who spoke all the heavens and earth into existence can handle all the things concerning me now. Even if it happens to be stormy outside.

– Judy Anne Parker

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