God displays His love for us in the world He created. Discover the fingerprints of God in his creation and the lessons they can teach us.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.
– George Washington Carver

Transformations Every year at the Alaska State Snow Sculpting Championships artists transform 8’ by 8’ blocks of snow into amazing works of art. My friend Allison and her family compete in this incredible experience. They carefully plan their design, use specific...
God is Not Disappointed in You
God is Not Disappointed in You God uses the weirdest circumstances to teach me lessons. On this particular occasion He used a sea urchin and a bottle of vodka to help me realize He is not disappointed in me. And I have wonderful news for you. He is NOT disappointed in...
Uniquely Made
Uniquely Made Since we moved to Alaska, our family has had an annual snow contest every year. We each pick the date we think the first snow will fall. We have a few rules. The snow must cover the ground at our house; flurries don’t count. Snow that sticks on the...
What Others Think
What Others Think I’m standing in the river casting my fly in the water, letting it drift, then snatching it out again. Nothing is happening. No fish are biting. I plunk the line back in and watch it float down. I yank it back out. Rain starts to fall as I cast again....
The Weight of it All
The Weight of it All We have received over eight feet of snow so far this season! I know that is not a lot for some places in the world, but for our neck of the woods, it’s the most ever officially recorded. The snow evaporates and compacts down, so we don’t have that...
Lunging at a Lynx
Lunging at a Lynx Lunging at a lynx wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. In fact, now would be a good time to state officially that you should never approach wildlife, especially one that has just caught its dinner and wants to chow down. The problem was that its...
Are you Hiding Under the Bed?
Are you Hiding Under the Bed? Abby, the cat, came to live with us back in October. I was so excited to welcome her into our home, but I knew she would need some time to adjust. She came from a family that loved her dearly but they discovered one of their children was...
Nothing is Wasted
Nothing is WastedOur neighbor’s tree could not handle an early season storm with heavy snow, but she made the most of the situation and blessed us with some firewood for the winter.A week ago Sunday was a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.” I can count on one...
Thanksgiving Cactus
Thanksgiving CactusThis bloom, one little bitty bloom on one little bitty plant, brings me the greatest joy. Why? My mom had a green thumb. I’m pretty sure she could grow anything she wanted to. When I was little we lived on Brentgate Dr. in Dallas, TX. Our living...
SanctuaryI’m sitting at my kitchen table listening to the wind howl and watching the leaves race through the driving rain. It’s a rather blustery, stormy day outside but inside I’m as cozy as can be. Soft music plays, candle light dances and the smell of homemade...
I Got My Eye on You
I Got My Eye on YouWhen my kids were a lot younger they loved the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This book eventually became a movie we had to watch over and over. We still repeat a quote from it frequently: “I got my eye on you.” We usually say it to each...
Bowl of Yeses
Bowl of YesesOne of my struggles in this season of life is constantly needing reassurance and encouragement from my Father. Life can be hard with so many disappointments, failed dreams, fear of the future, etc. I find myself doubting I have heard God “right” or...
Do you Like Yourself?
Do you Like Yourself?Our dog, Copper, likes himself. He has no qualms about demanding attention, begging for food or stealing socks. He runs through the house at break neck speed, plays with his toys and scarfs down food like nobody’s business. He is awesome at...
God is Great, God is Good
God is Great, God is GoodMany of you may have said this prayer growing up before you ate a meal, “God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food.” Maybe we believed what we said and maybe we didn’t. I discovered I didn’t believe God was good. So what do we...
God’s Character
God’s CharacterIn our first journal question, we looked at what we truly believe about God. I hope you were able to spend some time wrestling with that question. Today, I want to narrow our focus and concentrate on God’s character.What do you think God is really like?...
What do you Really Believe?
What do you Really Believe?What do You Really Believe About God? The answer to that question is the ultimate foundation of your entire life. What we truly believe about God determines every single thing in our lives, whether we realize it or not. And your answer must...
That Feeling in your Stomach
That Feeling in your StomachThe last few weeks have been unbelievably overwhelming and stressful. If someone had told us two weeks ago the whole world would be shutting down, none of us would have believed it. But, here we are. Schools, restaurants, movie theaters,...