

Transformations Every year at the Alaska State Snow Sculpting Championships artists transform 8’ by 8’ blocks of snow into amazing works of art. My friend Allison and her family compete in this incredible experience. They carefully plan their design, use specific...
God is Not Disappointed in You

God is Not Disappointed in You

God is Not Disappointed in You God uses the weirdest circumstances to teach me lessons. On this particular occasion He used a sea urchin and a bottle of vodka to help me realize He is not disappointed in me. And I have wonderful news for you. He is NOT disappointed in...
Uniquely Made

Uniquely Made

Uniquely Made Since we moved to Alaska, our family has had an annual snow contest every year. We each pick the date we think the first snow will fall. We have a few rules. The snow must cover the ground at our house; flurries don’t count. Snow that sticks on the...
What Others Think

What Others Think

What Others Think I’m standing in the river casting my fly in the water, letting it drift, then snatching it out again. Nothing is happening. No fish are biting. I plunk the line back in and watch it float down. I yank it back out. Rain starts to fall as I cast again....
The Weight of it All

The Weight of it All

The Weight of it All We have received over eight feet of snow so far this season! I know that is not a lot for some places in the world, but for our neck of the woods, it’s the most ever officially recorded. The snow evaporates and compacts down, so we don’t have that...
Lunging at a Lynx

Lunging at a Lynx

Lunging at a Lynx Lunging at a lynx wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. In fact, now would be a good time to state officially that you should never approach wildlife, especially one that has just caught its dinner and wants to chow down. The problem was that its...