

Transformations Every year at the Alaska State Snow Sculpting Championships artists transform 8’ by 8’ blocks of snow into amazing works of art. My friend Allison and her family compete in this incredible experience. They carefully plan their design, use specific...
If the Wood Fits

If the Wood Fits

If the Wood Fits My husband and I were trying to whittle away a few chores off our “honey-do” list and were stacking wood into one of our woodsheds. Ladd usually tries to get all the wood approximately the same length for easier stacking, but some of them were...
Top Ten Items You Need for Breakup

Top Ten Items You Need for Breakup

Top Ten Items You Need for Breakup Spring often brings thoughts of blooming flowers, budding trees, and sunny skies. Not so in Alaska. We only think of melting snow, potholes, and filthy cars. Otherwise known as breakup, spring is not a pleasant time in the north....
Field Trip to a Greenhouse

Field Trip to a Greenhouse

Field Trip to a Greenhouse The calendar says spring is here but all I can see outside my windows is snow. Thankfully, the daylight is increasing dramatically, the squirrels are practicing acrobats in the trees, and the piles of snow are shrinking. However, I still...
Lunging at a Lynx

Lunging at a Lynx

Lunging at a Lynx Lunging at a lynx wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. In fact, now would be a good time to state officially that you should never approach wildlife, especially one that has just caught its dinner and wants to chow down. The problem was that its...
Top Ten Tips for Winter Driving in Alaska

Top Ten Tips for Winter Driving in Alaska

Top Ten Tips for Winter Driving in Alaska Alaska winter driving can be a very spiritually rewarding experience. You’ll at least increase your prayer life quite dramatically and realize your utter dependence on God Almighty. The Lord and I have become close after...