What Others Think

What Others Think

What Others Think I’m standing in the river casting my fly in the water, letting it drift, then snatching it out again. Nothing is happening. No fish are biting. I plunk the line back in and watch it float down. I yank it back out. Rain starts to fall as I cast again....
Alien Rhubarb

Alien Rhubarb

Alien Rhubarb With summer’s arrival comes one of the first harvests in my garden, rhubarb. I call it alien rhubarb because some of the leaves and stalks on these plants are ginormous. I suppose they grow so big because of the massive amount of sunlight we get in the...
God Won’t Forget You

God Won’t Forget You

God Won’t Forget You  Forget-Me-Nots “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…” IS 49:15-16a (NIV)   Do you...
Aurora Borealis – The Heavens Declare

Aurora Borealis – The Heavens Declare

The Heavens Declare Aurora Borealis The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Ps. 19:1 (NIV)   I had been asleep for a couple of hours one night when my daughter came rushing into my room. “They’re out!” she announced....
Brining, Smoking, and Canning Salmon

Brining, Smoking, and Canning Salmon

Brining, Smoking, and Canning Salmon It’s my most favorite time of year, fishing season! After nine long months of winter, I am so ready for warm sunshine, green plants, and fat fish. But before I can start fishing, I must remove what’s left of last year’s fish...